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5 Tips To Boost Your Business’ Black Friday Promotions

5 Tips To Boost Your Business’ Black Friday Promotions

5 Black Friday Tips For Your Business

Ahhh, I love the smell of commerce in the morning!

Black Friday. It’s the annual Olympics of retail shopping. That once-a-year event where red-eyed shoppers coax themselves out of a tryptophan-induced lethargy in order to brave the 2 A.M. masses in hopes of snatching up the latest Playstation model…for a $1! In 2021, over 155 million people shopped (online and in-store) the day after Thanksgiving. For businesses that opt to embrace our nation’s biggest shopping “holiday,” Black Friday can be a traffic and sales gravy train!

While the year’s biggest shopping day may still be over two months away, now is the time to start planning and promoting Black Friday incentives to give your business a leg-up in the very competitive retail market. Here is a compilation of ideas to inspire your own successful Black Friday efforts.

1. The Early Bird Catches the Sales
Did you know that over a third of men and women (32 percent and 35 percent, respectively) venture out into the early morning crowds on Black Friday?! That’s A LOT of shoppers. Don’t miss out on your share of these prospective shoppers. Consider offering your customers extended, early morning business hours the day after Thanksgiving.
2. Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Good Old Fashioned Coupon
Over half (53%) of shoppers say they would use a coupon when making a Black Friday purchase[3]. In addition to offering your customers a savings, an added perk of offering coupons is that you are organically increasing brand visibility. It’s a 1-2 punch!
3. Go Digital
Let’s face it, we live in a digital age. Show you’re tech savvy by offering your customers web-based access to exclusive Black Friday savings and discounts. Create a special QR code for shoppers to scan in-store that will provide them instant mobile access to a coupon/savings flier that is specific to Black Friday use. Does your business primarily function online? Create a banner ad on your homepage or a specific landing page within your website to organize and indicate your Black Friday savings to customers.
4. Spread The Word
Leave no potential customer untouched! Compile a list of your most effective means of reaching your target audience and promote, promote, promote! Use every opportunity at your disposal to remind your customers of your fabulous Black Friday savings, whether it be by word of mouth in your brick-and-mortar or a carefully executed online marketing campaign. Consider reaching your customers by:

  • Employ the Power of Social Media: Don’t forget to utilize social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc., to promote within your current customer network and target promoted ads to seek out a new customer base.
  • Direct Email: Send an Email to your established customers announcing your Black Friday Deals and Savings. Not currently using a newsletter service? Be sure to familiarize yourself with how to keep your e-mailing CAN-SPAM Compliant.
  • In-Store Distributions: Consider including a leaflet or small flier to advertise your Black Friday deals in every customer’s bag/shipment throughout the months of October and November.

Bottom line…Start early and promote across as many platforms as possible and often. Remember, repetition sells!

5. Bring Them Back
Think about offering your customers an incentive to return to your store after Black Friday has come and gone. Take advantage of the unusually high traffic volumes that November 25th will provide by offering attractive savings to draw customers into your store on Black Friday and then reward them for their patronage by offering a discount card with each purchase to be used at a later date. A CUSTOM Scratch Off Game Card is a great way to encourage your customers to shop with you later in the holiday season, too!
I hope that this information will help inspire your own successful Black Friday plan of attack. There are endless possibilities to engage your customers and lead them through your doors this Black Friday, and who knows your customers better than you?! Plan promotions that will excite and motivate your target audience to ensure that you get a slice of that Black Friday pie!


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