My Scratch OffsMy Scratch Offs
Employee Appreciation Scratch Offs

Employee Appreciation Scratch Offs

Now is the time when you need to keep the #motivation high for your top notch hardworking employees. Join other major companies like Amazon, Walmart, Schnucks, Fabricut and many others in making your #employeeappreciation efforts more interactive, exciting and rewarding!

Now is the time to start dreaming and planning about how to design your company’s completely Custom Scratch Offs Cards and how you would reward those that deserve it the most- your work family!

We help a lot of big companies reward their employees in a fun and creative way. This is great for boosting morale, especially during these hard times. Learn more from Karen here. Want a creative and innovative way to stand out for your business, your wedding, your family or friends?  Then you’ve come to the right place!

The Team at My Scratch Offs is ready and willing to assist you in creating a scratch off card that is sure to grab the attention of everyone.  Let’s face it, people love exciting experiences.  And everyone loves scratch offs!  Let us help you give just that- An Exciting Experience…with a Scratch Off! It’s why we’ve made our Motto: Create It! Reveal It! Whether you need 100 cards or 10,000, we’re here and ready to help you Create It and Reveal It! 

The customer is always our #1 priority.  Give us a call or visit our website if you have any questions!

Here also is a Video on YouTube that gives you an overview on how to use these as Employee Incentives!

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