My Scratch OffsMy Scratch Offs
Teacher DIY Scratch Off Project Showcase

Teacher DIY Scratch Off Project Showcase

A Teacher customer of ours, Mr. Ford @coachmford, took to Twitter this week to showcase how he used our Hologram Scratch Off Sticker Labels in an engaging and creative way. He sent out a physical letter (I know- how retro) to all of his 4th grade students with a highly creative and motivational “Meet the Teacher” Newsletter for #Makerspace #Steam Lab. In the letter he also included a DIY Scratch card that said…

“Your 4th Grade Teacher this Year is… HINT: I Drive a Ford…SCRATCH HERE (and his name was under the Scratch Off Area). See the Screenshot of the Tweet and the photos of his project. <<<——————

We adore the creative ways that Teachers are using our many products to engage and motivate the students in their classrooms in these challenging times we are living through. Soon enough all of our kids will be getting back to school and back to normal.

Got an idea you want to try? Drop us an email or Give us a call 618.416.1623. We would be happy to talk through your idea.

We love the shout outs on all of our Socials-

BUT—Be sure to Tag us- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or LinkedIn

We always offer samples by mail also- just click here to request free samples.

As Always- Keep Scratchin’

The My Scratch Offs Team!

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