My Scratch OffsMy Scratch Offs
Scratch Off Teacher Rewards – How To

Scratch Off Teacher Rewards – How To

It’s that time of year again!  School time!  My mom was an elementary teacher for many years (I promised I would not disclose how many years), and  she was always looking for a new way to motivate her students.  We have the solution!  Our Teacher Rewards are a fun way for teachers to interact with their students.  How do they work?  Here’s how:

Each pack comes with 50 cards.  It’s super simple.  Write in your message with a felt tip marker, cover it up with the self stick scratch off sticker, and voila!  Ready to go!  Hand it out to your students and that’s all there is to it. 🙂

We have several fun designs, and we always love to hear from our customers.  If you have ideas or suggestions, just shoot us a line:

Scratch On!


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